Belize Teaching Service Commission
The Belize Teaching Service Commission (BTSC) was established in accordance with Section 17 of the Education and Training Act, 2010, to independently enforce (a) standards set by the Ministry for entry into teaching to assure the quality and status of the Belize teaching force and the quality of the delivery of education; and (b) all regulations governing the conditions of service of teachers with respect to
employment, appointment, transfer, discipline and termination of teachers in government and government-aided preprimary, primary, secondary, tertiary and TVET institutions subject to the provisions of sections 19 and 21 of the Act.
The responsibilities of the BTSC are as follows:
- Verify and ensure compliance with standards set by the Ministry, and regulations for employment of teachers.
- Maintain a database of teachers and appointed teachers.
- Approve the appointment of teachers to the teaching service.
- Approve transfer of teachers.
- Approve such leave as long leave, study leave and maternity leave, extended sick leave and any other leave extending beyond ten days.
- Approve secondment and posting as itinerant resource officer.
- Approve disciplinary action, for major offences, against teachers in the teaching service or recommend the imposition of appropriate sanctions against managing authorities, for government and government-aided pre-schools, primary and secondary schools, and TVET institutions, in accordance with this Education Act and Rules Act and all other applicable laws.
- Collaborate with the Chief Education Officer to help Managing Authorities achieve quality leadership in the administration of matters related to the employment and conditions of service of teachers through a system of support, guidance, training, and monitoring.
- Recommend the imposition of appropriate sanctions against any Managing Authority or Proprietor which fails to comply with the provisions made under the Education Act and Rules for matters related to the employment and conditions of service of teachers.
(Coming Soon)
Contact Information
BTSC Secretariat