District Education Centres
District Education Centres operate to fulfill the responsibilities of the Ministry of Education in relation to monitoring the quality and effectiveness of education and providing support systems for the effective delivery of appropriate and equitable educational services at all levels of the
education system as prescribed in Section 3 of the Education and Training Act 2010.
The responsibilities of District Education Centres are outlined in Rule 8A of the Education (Amendment) Rules 2012.
- Access and analyze district education sector data in collaboration with central agencies to identify district education sector needs and inform the development of the district education sector plans in accordance with broader national education sector goals.
- ensuring the co-ordination of district plans and schedules with central agencies of the Ministry in order to optimize the use of district and central resources.
- Plan and conduct regular school supervision to guide, support, and monitor school improvement and development guided by agreed standards for school quality and student achievement.
- Provide guidance and support for the development and conduct of school self-assessment, and the development and implementation of school improvement plans.
- Monitor and provide support and feedback to managements, schools and teachers by identifying areas of weakness in quality of teaching including curriculum delivery, classroom practices and assessment.
- Monitor and provide support and feedback to management and administrators on the effectiveness of school leadership by identifying areas of weakness in the quality of management and administration of the school, the school organization, infrastructure, and effective use of resources.
- Identify professional development needs of school leaders and teachers and assist with the organization and implementation of continuous professional development workshops for teachers.
- Manage a resource center for teachers in the district.
- Gather information from schools to inform planning and resourcing needs.
- Manage a local text book supply at the District Education Center.
- Liaising with the appropriate authorities regarding licensing of teachers and schools.
- Assist with the implementation and monitoring of financial assistance or grants to students.
- Assist with the administration of local and international examinations at the district level.
- Work with appropriate agencies as it relates to national emergencies, national disasters, or emergencies of any other type in respect of coordinating a response and informing about the need to use schools and to close schools as the situation may demand.
- Provide representation of the Ministry on school boards and reporting on the proceedings and decisions of the boards to the Chief Education Officer.
- Maintain oversight of effective communication between associations of principals and partners in education with respect to various educational programmes.
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