Belize Board of Teacher Education


The Belize Board of Teacher Education (BBTE) was established in accordance with Section 25 of the Education and Training Act, 2010, to provide quality assurance of teacher education and training in Belize and to make recommendations on teacher training and allied matters to the Ministry of Education.


The responsibilities of the BBTE are as follows:

  • Make recommendations to the Chief Education Officer on the approval of education institutions wishing to offer new or existing teacher training programs, services and courses.
  • Consider and recommend or approve new education programs, services and courses for delivery in existing teacher education institutions
  • Recommend standards for the delivery and assessment of teacher education in all institutions approved to offer teacher training programs, services and courses.
  • Endorse all rules, procedures and policies governing the delivery of teacher education in all institutions approved to offer teacher training programs, services and courses. 
  • Endorse and publish curricula for each program and course offered for the training of teachers.
  • Review annual reports submitted by institutions approved to offer teacher training programs, services and courses.
  • Consider and recommend or approve curricula that support the education and continuous professional development of teachers, teacher educators and other instructional leaders throughout their careers. 
  • Review and endorse articulation and transfer agreements between all institutions approved to offer teacher training programs, services and courses.
  • Advise the Commission on the suitability of certification of teachers qualified in other countries for employment in the teaching service in Belize. 
  • Approve recommendations to the Minister annually for the granting of award to outstanding teachers for exceptional service rendered in the profession.

(Coming Soon)

Contact Information

BBTE Secretariat

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