Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
TVET in Belize corresponds to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) Levels 2, 3 and 4. Four levels of TVET are currently offered 1) prevocational, which is designed to build on foundational skills and also to provide students with some exposure to different trades; 2) Level 1 TVET programmes, which are designed to provide students with the competencies needed to perform as an entry-level worker in a particular trade; 3) Level 2 TVET programmes, which are designed to provide students with the competencies needed to perform as a supervised skilled worker in a particular trade; and to a limited extent, 4) Level 3 TVET programmes, which are designed to provide students with the competencies needed to perform as an independent or autonomous skilled worker in a particular trade. TVET programmes typically include support courses such as Math, Communication, Technical Drawing and Entrepreneurship as well. The approach to curriculum, instruction and assessment is competency-based.
Target Group
There is no official age for TVET programmes. TVET programmes are designed to provide instruction and training suited to the ages, abilities and aptitudes of persons fifteen years and older.
Programme Duration
TVET programmes are typically one year in duration but short-term courses are also offered. There are no set standards on the minimum number of school days or hours of instruction per day required.
Entry Requirements
A primary school certificate is required for entry into TVET programs. Only students who are fifteen or older are allowed into Level 1 and higher TVET programmes. Younger students must enter prevocational programmes.
Potential TVET students are given a test in Math and English to place them in appropriate support courses. Students can take one or more Belize National Vocational Qualifications (BzNVQ) Exams at the end of their training programme. Students are not required to sit the BzNVQ.
Promotion and Exit Requirements
Promotion and completion of TVET programmes are based on meeting the requirements outlined in school policies. Students who complete the programme are awarded a TVET Certificate. Those who successfully complete the BzNVQ are awarded a certificate indicating the components passed.
Staff Pedagogical Qualifications
A full licence for teaching in the TVET sector requires a minimum of an Associate Degree in a trade area along with a Diploma in Competency-based Education and Training (CBET).
Directory of TVETS

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