Primary education
Primary education in Belize corresponds to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) Levels 1 and 2. These programmes are designed to help children develop fundamental skills in literacy and numeracy, life skills and general knowledge. The lower grades of primary education (Infants 1 and 2 and Standard 1) include the early childhood education spectrum. Primary education programmes span two ISCED Levels, 1 and 2 since the last two grades, Standards 5 and 6, extend into what is normally classified in other systems as lower secondary education. There is typically one teacher responsible for a group of students in a primary education class; however, some schools, especially larger ones, have subject-specific teachers, particularly at the upper division grades.
Target Group
The official primary age group is 5-12yrs of age. Primary education programmes are designed to provide instruction and training suited to the ages, abilities and aptitudes of children between five and fourteen years of age. Primary education is compulsory for children between five and fourteen years of age.
Programme Duration
Primary education programmes are eight years in duration (Infants 1-2 and Standards 1-6). The minimum number of school days is 180 days. The minimum hours of instructional time per day is four hours for Infants 1 and 2 and five hours for Standards 1 to 6
Entry Requirements
Children must be at least 4 years and 8 months old to enter primary schools. Preschool attendance is not a requirement for entry.
Soon to be announced.
Promotion and Exit Requirements
Promotion and completion of primary education is based on meeting the requirements outlined in school policies. Students who complete the programme are awarded a Primary School Certificate.
Staff Pedagogical Qualifications
A full licence for teaching at the primary level requires a minimum of an Associate Degree in Primary Education or an Associate Degree in a non-education area with a Certificate in Primary Education.
Directory of Primary Schools
Coming soon…
Coming soon…